± H13.com - Halospace
Halospace1:32am wednesday, 7th february
How instantaneously they would open up, portals to other times, other places — the past, the future, beyond. I remember the apartment I had back when where a lot of this happened. People, spirits, angels, visited me from “out there” in halospace, the plane where our imaginations have form, or something to that effect. Travelers looking for the best of all possible worlds (“Try this one!” I told them), contact with Elijah somehow supposed at the helm of Yeshua ben Miriam (I think you know him as Jesus — this was way before I believed, and there is much of a backstory I could get into here)... I looked once into the face of Jim Morrison as we passed by one another in the dreaming, a caricature that he told me I also was represented like unto when he looked into my face... and strange to think none of it happened, for there was much I felt, much I experienced from that realm. Light and darkness shining from the ether.

  Reflection12:19am thursday, 8th february
I'm waiting for a God who's never been here.

  reflection1:47am thursday, 8th february
Is your poetry worth a God that has lived a billion years?A billion years.I'm not even worthy to call myself an idiot.

  Stand2:11am thursday, 8th february
“But sons who are more generously and candidly treated by their fathers do not hesitate to offer them incoplete and halfdone and even defective works, trusting that their obedience and readiness of mind will be accepted by their fathers, even though they have not quite achieved what their fathers intended. Such children ought we to be, firmly trusting that our services will be approved by our most merciful Father, however small, rude, and imperfect these may be.”
– John Calvin

  Reflection10:02pm thursday, 8th february
I just wanna beat-off, sleep and get drunk.What else is there?

  Stand11:39pm thursday, 8th february

emotion: smiley biggrin grin cool tongue embarassment mad rolleyes frown
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