± H13.com - Greater
Greater2:01am saturday, 19th november
Sometimes I feel as if there are great forces working in my life, and that I am definitely not one of them. But I think I will not clothe myself with a defeatist attitude, for as Gandhi once said, “Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.” For I think, whatever small things we can do, we must do them, for that is all we are. If we choose instead to stand by while the world rushes past, even what little we could make of it will come out to less than nothing. No one can live your life for you. And sometimes great things do come from us, but it is not because we ourselves are so great. The best thing you can say of a soul, I think, is that he is persistent. Great things come to those who try, and try again. Even if the great thing is merely learning to try again. And these larger forces at work in my life: I do my best to hold on to the good, let go of the bad. Sometimes to succeed, sometimes to fail — I am small, and battered by the high winds. But let it not be said that I sat at the side of the road, when I could have been walking, just to complain that I had no vehicle to carry me. Do what you can, with what you have, at the moment. Nothing else can be asked of you.

  Reflection2:32pm saturday, 19th november
Amen, can I get a witness up in here?..I hear a revival starting!!!,,,Preach on brother Stand!..You've inspired me, I'm gonna help some ants cross the sidewalk today.....

"I should of left the monkeys in charge." -- God

  Stand8:59pm saturday, 19th november
What are you talking about? He *did* leave the monkeys in charge.

  Reflection2:47pm sunday, 20th november
I know....Return to nature and simplicity....Leave the cowards game behind to wallow in its own destruction....

  Reflection2:53pm sunday, 20th november
Its gonna be funny when the world food shortage hits, and everyone's holding their new Iphone version 12 going "What the fuck do we do now?"....

  Reflection11:24pm sunday, 20th november
I just had a spark of poetry in my mind..Mostly spontaneous, and I think that is the best way, and I haven't wrote any lyrics or poetry in almost a year..Maybe that is why it flows, the creative juices were at a burst..


Silence breezes through like a soft wind.
Shadowing the days life.
Waiting til dawn, to start again.
Passing another eon of ancient time, with the care of a soldier surrounded by a thousand enemies. Finally rescued by death.

  Reflection2:30am monday, 21st november
I just googled "Rescued by death" and I got no answers...I thought there would be a ton..So I'll make it the title of my new song...I like being a step ahead..Yes it has its curses, and benefits, but its nice to know one can still be alone amongst the chaos..........

  Reflection2:37am monday, 21st november
We're starting a band Stand........So far its me on guitar.......What can you play?.....You damn drug dealing nerd I know you can at least play harmonica or something..LOL.......and Strawberry......I'll get her on some light vocals or bongo drums..........We're gonna bring back home to the roots of the potatoe.......


  Reflection2:43am monday, 21st november
And you better not chicken out Stand....You better find a instrument..Bass, whatever......Where am I gonna find anyone with crazy experience to play with who isn't locked up in the funny farm?......I'm telling Strawberry to start practicing on drums........Music isn't about practicing for years, your soul will show through very quickly......

  Reflection2:44am monday, 21st november
A serious chance of a zillion years....It doesn't matter to me. I'm just throwing it out there.......

  Stand2:45am monday, 21st november
Actually, I took like 10 piano lessons when I was 12 before I quit. I'm slowly learning how to read music when I sing in church. Seriously.

  Reflection2:48am monday, 21st november
You're in fellow lunatic......Strawberry, well I'll try..No way I just remembered.....She used to practice the recorder....I thought she was kidding when she said it..I've never heard of such an instrument..Ok.....the band is forming.......

"We're on a mission from God"..--blues brothers

  Reflection3:11am monday, 21st november

Ha,ha.......I ain't joking....Lets do this........Only problem is if we're going to sing.......We have to choose our lyrics wisely...On this level, one false move and we're gonna pay for it..Maybe you could come up with some weird poetry or something..LOL..something that flows and sounds good, but is totally enigmatic and won't get us into trouble.....

  Reflection3:33am monday, 21st november
I know you can play the piano solo in this song...........


  Reflection3:58am monday, 21st november
I'm not joking Stand..I've been playing guitar for almost 20 years......It would probably take me 2 weeks of diligent practice to play this piece...and trust me you won't hear this in your local church..You have to be on a level where you do not think and your hand moves faster than your brain.....

  father of zachary odette6:08am friday, 25th november

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