± H13.com - Non-Apocalypse
Non-Apocalypse12:13am wednesday, 8th august
So, let’s get this straight: in the country (USA), there is a crisis with obesity and with violence, too many guns and not enough brains. In the world, we either are approaching or have gone past the tipping point in the climate change issue, also known as global warming. And yet, in my mind there needs to be situations so much worse for one to think that the Apocalypse approaches. I see it happen: there are signs of hope that spring up, here and there, sometimes to stem the tide of stupidity. Enough so that I can only think that the time is not now, Jesus Christ, his second coming, is not immanent. No, let me not think as the servant does who thinks his master tarries, and mistreats the rest because of it. Let me instead do right, even believing that the master is not near, not like that. Who is stupid enough to think that disaster is a thing to be desired?

  Reflection11:55am wednesday, 8th august
The cold hard truth........

The world is not any more violent than it ever was before..it was probably more violent in the past. Its just that television and computers brings all the chaos and news of the world to your living room within seconds. The world is just an evil place and demonic powers are allowed to intervene with us from time to time, especially if we welcome them in. Why do you think Jesus said "I am not of this world." ? Where do you think the sayings "You should have as much care for this world as a dead man." "The earth is Gods footstool." "Love of this world is hatred towards God.".....The roots of this world is evil so all the branches and leaves are evil too....Like working for a big company. Even though you may be the best honest trustworthy and kind person on the planet, if the owner of the company you work for is making weapons or funding something evil for evil means, are you not caught in the snare of evil too? Its all mind control.....Deprogram your mind from the false teachings of the world........

  Reflection12:02pm wednesday, 8th august
I'm not preaching to you Stand, I think you have a pretty good understanding of how this world works, I just come here to rant occasionally. Its just people don't really grasp the power that evil is allowed to have. I had a demonic spirit whisper in my ear "Tickle, tickle, tickle." while I felt the inside of my spine being scratched by long fingernails. You don't think people in high places on this planet aren't trying to conjure up demons for superior knowledge?......Its all spiritual...Demons can be in one place, then on the other side of the world in just a matter of seconds....

  Reflection12:22pm thursday, 9th august
I suggest you read this....Many truths explained clearly. Without riddles......


  Reflection12:30pm thursday, 9th august
Link didn't work......Use this link..


Click on the Bhagavad Gita link and read it.....I'm actually surprised at the superior knowledge that is shared within this. Most of the time you have to go looking for old sages up in mountains for this stuff. I'm surprised I've never read it before, but after doing much spiritual work over the years, this is very very easy to understand. I know you are a die hard Christian, but the same truths that are in the Christian bible are explained more clearly in this. I think you can pretty much find the same theme through many spiritual works....

  Reflection12:46pm thursday, 9th august
One gradually attains tranquillity of mind by totally abandoning all selfish desires, completely restraining the senses from the sense objects by the intellect, and keeping the mind fully absorbed in the Spirit by means of a well-trained and purified intellect and thinking of nothing else.

Wheresoever this restless and unsteady mind wanders away, one should gently bring it back to the reflection of God.

Supreme bliss comes to a Self-realized yogi whose mind is tranquil, whose desires are under control, and who is free from faults.
Such a sinless yogi, who constantly engages his or her mind and intellect with the Spirit, easily enjoys the infinite bliss of contact with The Spirit.
A yogi, who is in union with the Supreme Being, sees every being with an equal eye because of perceiving the omnipresent Spirit abiding in all beings, and all beings abiding in the Supreme Being.

Those who perceive Me in everything, and behold everything in Me, are not separated from Me, and I am not separated from them.

  Reflection1:37pm thursday, 9th august
Its kinda funny..This work has many truths but still ends with the same old Worship me I am the one true God bit like most scriptural pieces...I would think that an eternal, existing forever, with no beginning or end God.Which is really insane when you think about it, would be over this worship me stuff. I mean isn't that pride which has to be dissolved to even attain the divine?...Can't we all just get along?..lol

  Reflection4:28pm thursday, 9th august
Dive into peace. Why go around having to guard yourself and always fueling the ego. Constantly having to prove and conquer?..Doesn't that bring unrest?...After a major victory in battle, doesn't one go back to a peaceful state eventually?........Stay peaceful all the time and go deeper into peacefulness and serenity....A truth people fail to understand.....Just let go and wander in freedom........Ok, enough philosophy..I've shared enough......You're on your own from here on out..........

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