± H13.com - Insurance
Insurance12:26am saturday, 21st june
There’s this TV commercial that really gets my goat. It’s for State Farm insurance. This guy and his kid have just rear ended this other guy, who happens to have State Farm insurance. You can tell because he sings the jingle, “like a good neighbor, State Farm is there”, whereupon out of the blue his agent appears and says, “You’re covered, Kevin.” (I think it’s Kevin — not important.) And then the other guy says something like “I have blah blah insurance so person come help.” Whereupon an elderly woman appears along with part of a kitchen wall, where she’s talking on the phone. The kid goes something like, “Hey grandma,” and tugging on his dad’s shirt, “Look who it is.” The grandma says, “Six callers ahead of us, Jimmy.” And this is where I get angry: the guy goes, “You’re not helping!” WTF? She’s taking time out of her day to call the insurance company that YOU picked, and staying on the line for 6 more callers, and you have the friggin’ nerve to say she’s not helping?!? Screw you, pal. And State Farm. (And now I feel better.)

emotion: smiley biggrin grin cool tongue embarassment mad rolleyes frown
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