± H13.com - Why Anything?
Why Anything?1:58am wednesday, 28th august
Why is there something instead of nothing? I dunno, I've been thinking about this.... For those who believe in God, you may answer me that there is something because in the beginning, there was God, and maybe you stop at that point. But then, I ask, why is there a God, instead of no God? It's the same question, located in a different position within the idea's space. For brief instances, I can imagine that there is nothing: that there never was, is, or would be anything in existence, period. It's a heady and frightening imagination. Really, though, there doesn't seem to be any real reason for it, why there are things everywhere. There is no necessity in it, not as far as I can see. There doesn't need to be being, at all.

The mystics may be onto something (going back to God), when they say that God doesn't exist, per se, not in the way that one would normally view something as being there. One way of referring to Him is that He is Nothing. Yes, I too have a tough time seeing things this way. Perhaps it is a way of saying that perhaps God exists outside of that whole existence/nonexistence duality that we, as mere mortals, are used to in our everyday lives. So perhaps what I discounted at the beginning really does hold: there are things because, in the beginning, there was God. Except that that "was" is technically incorrect. (And I think I need God to be "there" to make this solution work, at least in my own head.)

Before there was time, then, there was not anything, but there also was not not — and it could not be said that something "was not" just as much as it could not be said that something "was". Hm. I think we have entered the spirit realm, without realizing it.

  Anonymous2:30pm wednesday, 28th august
All humans need something to believe in. Was/is there a God? Which God, Who's God, Is one superior than another. or equal? Is there only 1 God? We humans feel the necessity to thank God when we succeed, then question God when we fail. We do not take responsibility for our own actions in many cases. Do we need a God to survive this place we call "home?" Probably. We humans need to believe in something that can not be proven otherwise..we need that satisfaction of believing in the unseen, the unknown, or the immortal as God is perceived. Why? Is it because we are weakminded? is it because we are a society with many faults who needs justification? Or is it because that is the way God created us? One wanders through life contemplating life itself...personal philosophy "I am who I am, no more no less." Would like to know your thoughts?

  Stand7:31pm wednesday, 28th august
I always hearken back to my own experience, that in times past, that I had a "God shaped hole" in my soul. He pours more of Himself in it every day, now.

  Tatiana8:31pm wednesday, 28th august
Oh, no. God.
That is an odd word. Don't you think?

  Jelly5:09pm tuesday, 3rd september
I think that the belief in an entity more powerful than man is necessary to keep us in check. Without the possibility of something watching our every move, more people would feel justified doing something that they know is wrong. I'm saying we need to remember that we are not god-like in any sense.

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