± H13.com - Meaning of Life
Meaning of Life2:52am tuesday, 11th september
Once, in a past psychotic episode, Jesus told me something which I thought to be the meaning of life:

What's unfair about life is that it is fair.

What do you think of it? Probably wrong, huh? Life's not fair, is it? I dunno. It's been pretty fair to me, and I don't mean that I've escaped my share of suffering. If that phrase is not the meaning of life to you, maybe you should examine what exactly you're asking when you ask the question, "What is the meaning of life?" That was all that the hypercomputer Earth was to do in the Hitchhiker's Guide series, right, the question to the answer (42) of the meaning of life, the universe and everything? What do you mean, after all, when you ask? Maybe that's the answer, there....

I have a better question: "What is love?" Imagine the simplest thing there is, then think, what's simpler than that? If you can think of something simpler, think, what's simpler than that? When you can't think of what is simpler than that thing, what you can't think of — that's love.

  ÐüÐË3:19am friday, 21st september
¶ I £ÏkË tº sÏt áñÐ wát©h ©£ºüÐs gº ߥ.
It Ïs thË mºst pËá©Ëfü££ thÏñg Ï hávË ËvË® sËËñ

  m.j2:46pm thursday, 6th february
i agree with your meaning of life. the fact is that life is fair, when you think about it. even to those of us that go through hell. jesus went through so much more than that, then to top it all off he died for us too. god blrss you dude.

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