± H13.com - Drops
Drops12:32am wednesday, 13th november
I will throw a million words in the air
and see if poetry will seize its own.

The rhythm of the deeper philosophies
resounds within the still of silence.

A sound within a dream will not echo,
and a vision will not stay motionless.

Fold the universe in half enough times,
and all the stars will fit in your pocket.

I wade through a river of flowing light,
pouring from mountains of pure fire.

Darkness may collect in some corners
too deep and heavy ever to be moved.

An eternity, it is true, will never end,
but there are times when one begins.

  Magdalena12:38am wednesday, 13th november
This stuff tends to be very confusing, even considering your condition... Just lighten them up a bit if you really so desperately need people's attention. The average person is not a Harvard genious, or even an intelligent high school graduate, at that. Simple words are fine, and you can still get your point across :-D

  Stand1:26am wednesday, 13th november
Noted. Thanks.

  x11:05am wednesday, 13th november
Fold the universe in half and the stars will fit into your pocket- makes perfect sense to me.

  Tatiana2:28am thursday, 14th november
Don't listen to Magdalena, no, don't be average.

  Eve4:25pm thursday, 14th november
Good poem!

  Kyle2:16am friday, 15th november
I am not a harvard genius but I understand it, then again I go through some of the same things you go through stand..keep in mind i said SOME. I feel that I am smart for my age, an IQ of 170 a low IQ but I understand much of it.

  Lbtmy9:32pm friday, 15th november
I have an I.Q. of around 140 and I understand it. I think it is a great selection of words thats makes sense to anyone that appreciates deep poetry. I think Stand shouldn't change a thing about anything he writes.

  Tatiana11:45pm friday, 15th november
I think IQ's are evil

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