± H13.com - Busy
Busy12:10am friday, 11th july
Hurry hurry hurry. There is no time to think. All is go go go. There is no time to comprehend, no time to examine, all is rush and the rush is all. All one asks is if it works or no, and if it does, don't question it — just move on, because that's good enough. There is no time for craft, no time for speculation, no time to wonder or for wonderment. We must continue, for that is civilization these days: slap it out and go on to the next thing. There is no time for adventure, no time for curious diversions; business, after all is business. Were we ever children once? I sometimes have my doubts, at least about some of us — some of us seem as if we were born carrying briefcases.... I will stop if I can — a moment — take a breath and look around; but not now, not now, busy busy busy.

  Spaz3:55pm friday, 11th july
Sounds like you need to take a vacation buddy....besides, capitalism is bound to be the reason for the downfall of this great civilization! I say just drop it all and start making a difference in the world! afterall, one man CAN and WILL make a difference...together we can stop all this madness!

  me?!7:22am friday, 25th july
You are so right Stand,there seems to be no time for anything anylonger.
And listen to Spaz-
long live socialism!!!

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