± H13.com - In the Quiet
In the Quiet8:41am monday, 19th april
In the quiet I have heard about the end of the world. Someone told me it already happened, and this is all but a dream. In the quiet, in the dark, there grow things that have never seen the visible light, subsisting on the mushrooms that grow underneath our deepest fantasies. In the quiet, I have seen all the way around the universe: it requires a steady eye, and the ability to wash through illusion. In the quiet, I became as a child, with an imagination that could make of nothing an entire land — though the things had changed that I thought of — stranger from back then. In the quiet, I have heard the footsteps of Death, though he always walks by, not stopping to rest, never saying hello. Hm. I don't know what I would do if he did say anything to me. In the quiet, there are things we never speak, no — not anymore, not anymore.

  Rich9:49pm monday, 19th april
silence is evil, but necessary

  lydia6:28am tuesday, 20th april
basically if you can talk you should talk, it is nice therapy, when there's something people don't know or aren't supposed to know, you will be blocked from above. You haven't told any secrets so far...

  Luke11:02am sunday, 2nd may
Nice one mate ! You definitely deserve to qualify for membership of "the crew" !! Be mad and proud ! and you could check out my site - just do a google search for "mentalmatters".

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