± H13.com - I in I
I in I7:17am sunday, 4th september
I, the ashes of which form my body,
breathe in another last breath,
ending after ending neverending,
so many tunnels I’ve flown through.

I, the dreaming of which is my soul,
play at being awake these daylight
moments, when things happen,
and it is so very easy to pretend.

I, the crying of which is my heart,
shoot myself in the foot again,
which being a metaphor doesn’t
explain anything about me.

I, the desire of which fills me,
imagine things I can only say
fill me with fear if they should
happen, or in fact, if they don’t.

I, the oblivion of which drives me,
cannot say I ever wanted to
die, just wondered if meaning
existed somewhere... else.

  Reflection11:03pm monday, 5th september
When words without meaning are written spontaneous, then the dragons whisper will appear from the north.

  Strawberry2:50pm tuesday, 6th september
Don't pretend. It isn't work the energy. Better that you get in trouble for being who you are.

  Stand2:59pm tuesday, 6th september
I find these comments strange. At times I write like this; it is perfectly natural for me when I do. Perhaps it is just because you never before have been exposed to this facet of my poetry? My poems are always putting down on paper what I feel, and this one was no different. I make no apologies.

  Reflection7:46pm tuesday, 6th september
"I make no apologies." I like that.

  Reflection10:08pm tuesday, 6th september
Email me an address where I can send you this song,I made with one of your poems.(kisssucks@musician.org)

  Stand5:44am wednesday, 7th september
Email is at the bottom of the page. And I'd rather you not use my name in the future when posting comments (I changed it to yours).

  Reflection7:22pm wednesday, 7th september
My mistake, trust me it will never happen again.I changed my mind about the song.Beware of hidden evils behind a gracious smile,and look for the true divine peace behind one with a frown.

  Reflection7:33pm wednesday, 7th september
Stand, you have an arrogance to you, like a gay painter.

  Reflection12:17am thursday, 8th september
You and the Devil, with God, can take your gay website to hell.With Jesus also.With Buddha,With Muhammad.

  Reflection12:18am thursday, 8th september
I'm totally happy to be me.

  Reflection2:51am thursday, 8th september
Armagedon,If you want it.

  Reflection2:53am thursday, 8th september
I trust God won't tell the truth.If God did the normals would die spontaneous.

  Reflection2:58am thursday, 8th september
You are lucky strawberry gives a shit.

  Reflection3:01am thursday, 8th september
You know what is luckier than that.Its i'm gonna give you a second chance.Once you understand that, then I will feel your presence.

  Reflection4:04am thursday, 8th september
You were a vampire.I've seen last posts.

  Stand6:16am thursday, 8th september
What do you have against gays?

  Strawberry6:28pm thursday, 8th september
I'm going to read this entire post to my mom. She is saying, "What are you laughing about?" right now. Reflection is a maniac. I mean that in a good way. And Stand is a cool cat. Appologies Stand. You're the best.

  just me9:02am thursday, 15th september
I breathe from my ashes
A neverending breath
The response of my heart
A perseverating ache

Is there history or destiny
To this effort of life
Of heart

Our hearts
Our bodies,
Our union of breathing

Touched pain
To know we heard
Our heart’s beat

emotion: smiley biggrin grin cool tongue embarassment mad rolleyes frown
your name:


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