± H13.com - Flight
Flight5:14am sunday, 5th march
I have forgotten that I once wanted to fly, when I thought, what good is a halo, when you could have wings? I guess it is that whole idea of wanting to be “high” — all that the word implies. In my going, I have seemed to come close to having at least some dreams come true; and I shied away, for it was too strange a feeling. It was as if I was not to be grounded anymore, that I would be plucked from the everyday of gravity, and set thrown through the breeze. And my Lord has been patient with me, and I found excuses why it was not to be; it all seemed to work out that I would continue on my journey, for that was what I truly loved. But I suppose there will come a day when I will cross that threshold, and like the fledgling, be dropped from the nest, whether I choose to take wing or merely to fall. It is as the saying goes, I guess: may your wildest dreams come true. That’ll teach you.

  mliçinh)kljklèçgà)^)yjj_gt10:09pm monday, 6th march

  reflection10:56pm monday, 6th march
I'll second that.

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