± H13.com - Going
Going12:40am monday, 13th march
Things have been going extraordinarily well. I don’t know if you remember from a while back, that I was learning Ruby and Scheme, but I stopped researching those two languages, and I have been learning Lisp instead. If any of you ever have the desire to learn a computer language, Lisp is the one to learn; as one esteemed hacker put it, it will make you a better programmer to know it, even if you never use it. Simply put, it is the most powerful (programming) language in existence — and you might note that no one ever says that about any other language. So, I have been reading a lot of stuff about everywhere I can, and it’s been quite a trip. This all relates to the research I am doing in artificial intelligence. The goal, at this present time, is to figure out how, given an increase of information in a system, to decrease the complexity within that knowing system. And I have been having a grand time trying to figure out just how this may be done.

I guess the one place where I am not quite as satisfied as I could be is in the finding the mate department. This last weekend, I breathed a sigh of relief, having been a weekend off from having to go on any blind dates. There was one chick last weekend (where I saw two, one on Saturday, one on Sunday, and this has been the normal pattern for me) that wasn’t too bad; and some (most) of these dates, as I have written before, have been absolutely horrible. There has been only one whom I thought the elders really hit it out of the park with, but it turned out her mother didn’t like me, so that fizzled. The chick from last weekend — eh, like I said, not bad. But you know, I’ve always been a romantic, and I want what the movies talk about, even if it really doesn’t happen in real life: magic. Is this too much to ask? Don’t answer that. Because I don’t really care if it is too much to ask. Somewhere she is out there for me, I have this feeling within me that she is. I just have to convince the elders that they should have such patience.

  Reflection8:39pm wednesday, 15th march
Obviously they are not elders, I'm convinced.

  Stand4:01am thursday, 16th march
That's just what I call them, Reflection. Figure of speech, or something like that.

  kittie8:04am thursday, 16th march
I believe in magic, I've seen fireworks, and I'm living in a fairy tale right now so keep waiting Stand, love does exist.

  Stand8:06am thursday, 16th march
Thank you, kittie.

  Mary5:23pm saturday, 1st april
Maybe your problem is you call them "chicks."

  Stand5:49pm saturday, 1st april
No, that's not it. ; )

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