± H13.com - Night Falls 7
Night Falls 75:14am saturday, 25th march
Night falls, the quiet is too quiet, and I want to scream — but I will do nothing.

Night falls, and I wonder where all the birds have gone, and what they dream of when they sleep.

Night falls, but the fire in me does nothing to light the way, merely drives me incessantly on.

Night falls, and I am comforted by the darkness — the immovable object surrounding it all.

Night falls, none to imagine that they know why things happen, though often a pretense is made.

Night falls, and I climb inside myself, to see if there are any controls I have missed.

Night falls, surely a sign that every day tells that there will be an end — but by fire, or ice, or old age?

  Reflection7:22pm sunday, 26th march
Night falls and I wonder why.

  Stand7:15am monday, 27th march
Good one.

emotion: smiley biggrin grin cool tongue embarassment mad rolleyes frown
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