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Legend 56:12am wednesday, 27th january
One last name of Sin is CHAOS. In Babylonian myth, she is called Tiamat; in the Old Testament she is called Rahab: her body is the primordial watery “formless” chaos from which the world came to be. This was done out of grief for the one that was lost, irrecoverably. The spirit who never had a chance. This world, deep in its structure, is a remembrance of her. For Lucifer knew what the Logos must do when he conspired to sin, having been so close to the Source, and he knew that such events are never undone.

“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. The spirit of God moved across these waters. And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. God saw the light, that it was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. The light He called day, and the darkness He called night.”

This was the beginning of which it was said the sons of God rejoiced in its making, the angels. One imagines that if they indeed had been there when the foundations of the world were being laid, that they all would have had some part in it. In the story of the world, there are “wyrds” that make it up: words weird, using the old definition of weird, concerned with destiny. An angel was a wyrd, the angels defined the potentials for being that was in the world. And the Wyrd prime, the Logos, who is Christ, he was the way by which anything that came to be came to be. For all that is is made of information, and the Lord and his angels are the meaning behind it all. As when there is a gold standard for the currency in some land. And the best story wins.


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Legend 41:37am saturday, 23rd january
It was thus that SIN began to be, also known as Error, or Pain: the daughter of the DEVIL. In a cruel twist, the light, the life of what was to form would have experienced excruciating pain from the start, which would only have increased, even second by second. Understanding this, the Lord ordered that she should be killed, that central monad of Sin, that which was the looking out, and we mourn for her to this day. The shell of her still acts as though it were alive, for the essence of the living darkness still had the spirit of evil imbued in it. Sin is the one of whom it is said that she is dead, and giving birth to monsters.

Then Lucifer, now Satan and Evil, bred with Sin, and their product was DEATH: the son of Satan and Sin, the son of Evil and Pain. He is also known as the ANTICHRIST, and the daughter is also called, BABYLON. Before this, Death had never been a thought, throughout the whole of Eternity. And before Evil, there had never been any of what might be called “wrong”, anywhere.


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Legend 310:17pm wednesday, 20th january
Before he was Satan, he was LUCIFER, son of the morning. Yes, this is myth, but myths are said to be lies that tell the truth. The truth in this lie resides in how time works in relation to Eternity. Before anything was, before our beginning—where the sons of God shouted for joy—from within the Eternity there could be viewed all material possibility, and our world was there displayed amid the rest. And as Lucifer was becoming Satan, he was, too, becoming the Lucifer the myth was making him as much as he made the myth. Lucifer, who rebelled against the Most High by one word, but o the consequence: the word being, “no”.

The Lord teaches that there is one thing that cannot be forgiven: blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Since we say that God is love, that blasphemy would simply be to say “no” to that spirit, the spirit of love. For there is not but light in love, any dark sort of love being actually something mixed with its true essence. And thus Lucifer was the first to say “no” to love. Said it with all he possibly could of himself. It was the birth of EVIL. Of the living darkness. And Lucifer became SATAN.


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Legend 29:40am sunday, 17th january
We must speak of the LOGOS, who in the beginning was with God, and was God. And this name is our greatest knowledge of the En Sof: GOD. The reason we can comprehend Him at all is because there is the Logos, who has been known too as the Word—but whose structure may be greater than “word” might convey. Scripture continues that without the Logos nothing was created, that all form came into being because of the Logos. And indeed, remarkable were the first creatures to have been created by the Most High.

Our imagination of what is capable by God has been thought to be on the scale of the miracles that came by way of Moses. The 10 Plagues upon Egypt, and the parting of the Red/Reed Sea. We also have an idea of what Satan was capable of by the Book of Job, in which there is included “natural” disasters that Job was struck with, if indirectly. But one must look beyond these, now that we might, now that we have pierced through the curtain of night, there above being a different heaven entirely, where all the universe is before us. This is truly what is the extent of the power of God, and His Logos. And it may be perhaps the true extent of Satan’s power that it is what we have imagined the God of old could do.


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Legend5:54am thursday, 14th january
In the beginning there was no beginning. There was no end. For all that could have been said to be was the EN SOF: the Endless. This is almost impossible to comprehend. Then, what could be said to be after the En Sof, and before all else (for before and after were not yet things), there was ETERNITY, also called HEAVEN. At its most basic, it was a void filled with light, the great expanse. This, too, had no beginning and no end. And all was perfect, for there were not yet any other things, no material realm where any of the things could be.

It is said that in the beginning of all we have chronicled, God created the heaven and the earth. This was written when there were thought to be three heavens, and God resided in the third, which would be the Eternity. But between when there was not but the En Sof and to the beginning that has been known, there were other happenings, for in the scriptures there is also written that when the foundations of the world were laid down, the “sons of God” rejoiced.


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A Dream7:06am sunday, 3rd january
I was dreaming when I was aroused from its normal course. I was with a group of people and we were beginning to assemble at a secret place, and something was about to happen. We were caught up in a mechanism of sorts, which were our lives, our extensions into the material world, all our responsibilities and dependencies, the rules we made and the rules we followed, and then I sensed something strange. I began to understand that these whom I was being collected with were what one might call the shadow government of the world, like the Illuminati supposedly were. But it was no myth—these were they, and I thought of them somewhat like I would the Underworld. And then something even more strange: as the mechanisms we were in began to shift, this rail and that we were touching began to switch by in this direction and that: we all of us together we were moving toward peace. It was tense and fraught with peril—real and imagined. I could sense a few people around the edges of my perception getting nervous and a couple fired guns which I directed them away from anyone. And we were near—so near!—when chaos broke loose! Guns fired, someone was shot, someone else was thrown into the middle of our matrix, no one in particular, a patsy. And I held everyone still. Stop! Stop. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. And some tense moments later, the cloud lifted, and I saw a field of the matrix we had been in was clear! It was holding! Peace was with us! Most of the vision was done. Someone said to me, "You are now the undisputed ruler of the world." For this was the outcome of leading all the shadow governments to this place. And I said, "Let the Lord Jesus Christ be the ruler." Then there was an image that seemed to look like our Lord, and he said, "I would have you rule in my stead." And I replied, "If the Lord Jesus Christ would have me rule, I will do it." But saints be praised(!) and there was some spirit guiding me, and I said, "I give it to the Lord Jesus Christ to rule, for he at his worst is better than me at my best." And the place where I stood, at the very top of the world, I planted in the dream a pedestal with a plain crucifix atop it, and an inscription, "Ask and it shall be given you, Seek and ye shall find." Therefore I gave up the rule of the whole world and gave it to Christ, for I desired it not, and this—all this—was why I had ever been born.
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