± H13.com - Away
Away12:01am thursday, 21st november
Have you ever felt that desire — just to leave your whole life behind, get into a car and drive away from all of it? I know I have. Perhaps through history there have been some people who have done this, but I for one always had trouble. Even in this last episode, I fantasized about it. When I had all my clothes off, I was going to wander the earth, naked (or at least until I could get people to give me some spare clothes), for the three and a half years that the Antichrist was going to reign (it having been the apocalypse or something like that). My memory is a little fuzzy as to exact details, but the gist of it all was to just take off and not look back.

There's always some trouble a brewing when I try that shtick. Once (about here), I was going to wander the streets of Seoul, Korea as a penniless beggar. In so deciding, I threw away my watch, shoes, and wallet (I guess I was working up to the naked thing for some time, there). All it took was a little hunger, though, and me passing by some restaurants along the street — their aromas — and I hightailed it back to my aunt's place for dinner. So it goes, I guess. I dunno. In the madness, I believed I could do it — leave family, possession, everything behind. What a dreamer. My belly knew better, though, knew where home was the whole time.

  say what5:05am thursday, 21st november
Funny... it's the "hunger" that drives us: the hunger to leave, hunger for something more (something different); and it's usually the hunger that brings us back home.

  x8:16am thursday, 21st november
I've felt this periodically through my life but have finally come to realise that it wouldn't work.Wherever I went I would always take myself with me and it was myself I had the problem with...not my life itself, but my perception of it.I haven't felt like leaving everything for ages because I changed the things I didn't like about my life a few small steps at a time. Understand the message you are giving yourself- something in your life is making you unhappy and has to be changed. It will keep nagging away at you until you do it.But you don't have to go to extremes and give up EVERYTHING.

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